Happy Anniversary to Us!

written by erin //

Today's post will be brief because we have plans for the day, but I would just like to say that today, I am beyond thankful for three beautiful & more-than-happy years of marriage to the most incredible man in the world. I am so unbelievably blessed. Love you, Jon!! <3 Happy anniversary!

5 Ways to Use a Journal // featuring my favorite journals

written by erin //

I love journals...pretty journals, colorful journals, artsy journals...anything that isn't the typical composition notebook. The more variety in the design of the inner pages, the better. Jon can tell you that I have a really compulsive obsession with notebooks, journals, and colorful pens, pencils and highlighters. If I didn't have self-control, it could become quite a problem. A trip to Target always has to include a trip to the office section. A Barnes and Noble visit is incomplete without browsing through those tall shelves filled with all their unique notebooks and journals. Most women are obsessed with shoes or handbags. I'm obsessed with journals. It's okay. At least my choice of items to collect features functional objects...

photo of Jill Bliss journals by Erin Stewart Visual Artist

Some of my favorite journals are designs from Jill Bliss. Both of the journals in the above image are designs by Jill Bliss, published by Chronicle Books and distributed by Barnes and Noble. You can find more Jill Bliss designs here, in her etsy store, on Facebook, and at Barnes and Noble.

These two journals live on my nightstand with my Bible and this beautiful jar of colorful cheeriness.

Colored Pencils in a Jar photo by Erin Stewart Visual Artist

 5 Ways to Fill a Journal // 

1. Fill it with gratitude.

I truly believe keeping a gratitude or thankfulness journal will change your life. Commit to writing down 5 things you are thankful for each day for one month. It changes your attitude and helps you to recognize and look for things for which to be thankful. Focusing on the positive instead of the negative, even in circumstances that may be negative, shapes and transforms your thinking. Everyone should practice being thankful and a gratitude journal is a great way to do so. Even children can keep a gratitude journal. Make it a daily family project and incorporate it into your dinner or bedtime routine. 

2. Fill it with quotes.

I started collecting quotes in 6th grade and never stopped. I love going back to my quote journals and reading the words that inspired me, convicted me, or made me think at different times in my life. Our memories need help remembering things sometimes, so write down those quotes you want to remember later.

3. Fill it with inspiration and ideas.

I almost always have a mini notebook in my purse. I love having it with me for those on-the-go moments when I think of an idea I want to develop later, something I want to look up at another time, or for when I see something that inspires me and I want to mull over it when I am not busy. Sometimes I don't revisit the ideas for weeks or even months, but I am always thankful I wrote them down when I look at them later.

4. Fill it with letters.

Love letters, letters to yourself, letters to your children, letters to your spouse or future spouse, letters to God, letters to someone who will never read them. Just write letters! This online generation is so consumed with social media and email, we rarely write letters anymore. Letters can be so beautiful. Fill a beautiful journal with your beautiful letters.

5. Fill it with you.

Fill your journal with your thoughts, dreams, and plans. If you practice a quiet time or devotional time, fill it with the things God is speaking to you about, the ways you see Him working in your life. Fill it with things you want to accomplish during your life. Write down memories you want to revisit in the future. Document your accomplishments or steps you take in reaching your goals. Use it to track progress in breaking bad habits or in developing new, good habits. Make it "you, on paper."

If you never write in a journal, I hope one of these ideas appeals to you and that you'll start one. Even if you only write in it once a day or every other day or once a week, it's better than not keeping one at all. Find a journal that inspires you, pick up some colorful pens (my fav!), and start writing! =)