Hand Lettering - Inspiring Artists and DIY

written by erin //

It's a chilly autumn day in November. The trees have turned all sorts of colors and their leaves coat the ground like a cozy blanket. You're curled up in a window seat, wrapped in a duvet, wearing fuzzy socks, enjoying a cup of coffee (or cider...or hot chocolate...or my favorite - herbal tea). The window is open only slightly so you can smell the fresh scent of fall mixing with the aroma of your crumb cake candle. You hear the mail truck rumble down the street and check your mail to find some bills, ads, junk mail, and maybe a form letter or two. Nothing personal. Nothing cheerful. Just another day's mail...most of which will find its home in the paper shredder.

Most people don't send hand-written notes anymore. Letter-writing has been reduced to the occasional text or email. We love receiving letters, but rarely write them. In the midst of our techno-driven age, there are some lettering artists who have made hand-lettering a beautiful art. Some of my favorite inspiring lettering artists are featured below, along with a few DIY tutorials, should you wish to experiment with lettering yourself. Enjoy!

Note: All photos in this post belong to the respective artists featured and are not owned by us.

Today begins a month set aside for remembrance and thanksgiving. As some are commencing their alphabetical thanksgiving projects, let's commit to use this month to hand-write letters to the people we are thankful for! 

Much love,

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