Dark Chocolate Smoothie!

Hello. My name is Erin and I love chocolate. Well, raw chocolate that is...the dark, pure stuff that's only sweetened with pure goodness and doesn't have any soy or additives in it. Not that contaminated-with-lead grocery store junk. ;) I knew it would only be so long until I would try a chocolate smoothie recipe, and here it is! It even has veggies in it...and you know what?? The kids didn't even notice! Ha! Success! Want the recipe?

Dark Chocolate Smoothie
Servings: 2

- 1 cup organic almond or coconut milk
- 1 cup water
- 3 bananas, peeled, halved, and frozen
- 4 carrots, peeled, chopped, and frozen
- 3 heaping tsp (a real tsp, not a measuring spoon) of raw, organic cacao powder
- 2-3 TBSP raw, organic almond butter
- 1/4 tsp organic cinnamon

(we buy our almond butter and cacao powder from Mother's)

You know the drill! Wet ingredients into the blender first, add the rest, blend until smooth and enjoy! This smoothie is best enjoyed immediately after blending.

P.S. - If you taste your smoothie and find that you would like it a little sweeter, add more frozen banana. If you want a richer chocolate flavor, add more cacao powder.

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