Homemade Hand Sanitizer

Most hand sanitizers (even "organic" or "natural" options) contain toxic chemicals, preservatives, and carcinogenic fragrance ingredients. We've been trying to replace items we use that contain these toxins with items that do not, but it's been quite a challenge to find a hand sanitizer we consider pure enough to use! So here is our current homemade hand sanitizer recipe:

Homemade Hand Sanitizer

What you'll need:
- a bottle or container for your homemade hand sanitizer
- isopropyl alcohol (we use 91%)
- organic, food-grade aloe vera gel (not the green gel stuff from the sunscreen section - that's full of toxins too)
- organic essential oil for scent (optional) - We choose to use the pure, organic oils from Veriditas Botanicals and, for this recipe, we are using their lavender oil.

- Fill your bottle 2/3 full with the aloe vera gel (a funnel really helps with this step). Fill the remaining 1/3 with the rubbing alcohol. Mix thoroughly. Add a few drops of essential oil (refer to the bottle to see how many drops to use) and mix again. Enjoy your homemade hand sanitizer!

We keep a bottle of this in our car because we are germ freaks. ;)

Note: For an even more natural recipe, substitute witch hazel for the rubbing alcohol.

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